My name is ZiZi Zabaneh. I was born in Bogota, Colombia. Im a performer, instructor, choreographer and Dance Photographer. I have been dancing since my early teens. Trained in Flamenco, Latin and Middle Eastern dance. I have studied with some of the most outstanding professionals in the field of dance. These include Dina (Egyptian superstar), Tamalyn Dallal (Founder and Director of the Middle Eastern Dance Exchange in Miami, Fl.), Alexandra King (Extraordinary teacher/performer in Santa Barbara, California), Tania Yael Yobi (one of the best dancers/choreographer in Argentina), The great Jim Boz, The beautiful and elegant Zaina Hart, Clarita Filgueiras (Founder and Director of Flamenco Puro in Miami, Fl.), Belen Maya (One of Spain's best Flamenco dancers). I have traveled to Dubai, Italy, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo and all over the US. were i have taught and or performed. Here in Miami have performed in many places such as the Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts, Lincoln Theater, Caleb Auditorium, Manuel Artime Theater, Dade County Auditorium, Florida International University, Miami Dade Community College Wolfson and Kendall Campus, University of Miami, Miami Sunset Place, Miami International Mall, and Aventura Mall. I have performed for the United Way, The grand opening of the Chest Museum in Miami, Taste of the Beach in South Beach, Nikki's Beach Club, Washington Mutual, Orientalia 2002, Arts and Letters, Riviera Country Club in Coral Gables, The Kidney Foundation of South Florida, Strawberry Folk Festival in Homestead, Florida, The Wall Flower Gallery in Downtown Miami, Superior Performing Arts, Belly Motions Dance Studio, and I have danced for Egyptian Superstar Dina and Raqia Hassan in Miami, Festival on the Nile XXX in Orlando, FLorida and have recently been invited to perform by Suspira in her production on Hipnotica. I am currently an Ambassador of the Miami Bellydance Meetup Group and the Orlando Meetup group. These groups are dedicated to the unification of belly dancers, students and admirers of all forms of Middle Eastern music and dance in Miami, Florida and the world.
Locally I have taught for Salsations Dance Productions, Dance Empire, Gypsy Fire Dance Studios, Just Spinning, Ballet Concerto Studio, Miami Dade College, Interamerican, Homestead, Kendall, Hialeah and North campuses. Currently I am teaching at Superior Performing Arts where I have classes in Flamenco and Flamenco/Belly dance fusion.
As a dance photographer I have had the opportunity to photograph all diffrent types of dance forms and dancer from all over the world. This is my true passion be able to capture movement forever. My photography website is
www.dance-photographer.com. I am currently the organizer for Shoot Miami, a photography group that strives to provide networking opportunities for professional photographers, semi-professional photographers, and enthusiasts.